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Here Comes the Groom: A Curriculum for Children Celebrating the Wonder of Biblical Marriage

This 6-12 week program is designed for use in a junior church or Sunday school setting, but can also be adapted for use in a homeschool environment. Included within the curriculum:

  • Hard Copy Lesson Plan Book ($10 from Amazon)
  • PowerPoint Presentations (Free Downloads)
  • Story Cards (Free Downloads)
  • Original Songs with Lyric and Accompaniment Sheets (Free Downloads)
  • Downloadable Suggested Activities (Free Downloads)

The Parable Patch
Stories and Songs to Grow On

Delightful stories and songs designed to stir a child’s imagination while reinforcing God-honoring principles are found within the pages of The Parable Patch. Meet Blinky, who would rather impress farm animals than practice his circus pony act.  Then, discover how Clancy, a blue-striped grunt fish learns that he is not the only fish in the sea.  Three additional stories take you to an eagle’s nest, a tree farm, and a beautiful flower garden. Based on the biblical truths found in parables as told by Jesus, each story is accompanied by a song. Lead sheets with piano accompaniment are included in the book. Audio for each song is located below.

Songs from The Parable Patch

1. Grow Blossom Grow

2. Bee a Neighbor

3. Stay Under Your Father’s Covering

4. Flock to the Feast

5. Loving Him by Loving Them

Princess Cindra Ellen
A Mother-Daughter Tale

Every girl secretly dreams of being a princess to someone. It is the wise mother who guides and allows her daughter to experience the splendor of her own life, a life that would surpass any fairy tale. This humorous and tender retelling of the classic Cinderella story celebrates the love between a mother and her daughter. Laugh, cry, and even blush with Cindra Ellen as she struggles to discover her “inner princess.”

The Hats We Wear at Christmas

Told in grin-inducing rhyme, this little book presents Christmas scenarios most women have either feared or experienced. For example, while sporting The Christmas Cooking Hat, what woman hasn’t felt the agony of defeat when her grocery-shopping husband returns from his quest for fresh cranberries with a blob of canned red gel? Five additional pieces of Christmas headgear will leave the hat-bedecked reader nodding in solidarity or wiping away a grateful tear as she ponders anew the depth and wonder of Christmas.

The Shoes We Fill

A companion book to The Hats We Wear at Christmas, this second collection of poems explores a variety of mishaps as well as tender victories unique to women as they walk through daily life. A sampling of the six styles of footwear invites readers to call to mind those feelings of young love when wearing dancing shoes. Then, while sporting scruffy nursing shoes, a generational journey of mother-love complete with a generous slathering of “mentholated goo” will produce both giggles and tears.

– From the Blog –